Bob Parson’s Tribute to USMC: Remembering Vets

It’s way too easy now for Americans to completely miss the fact that we have troops that are “looking at the elephant” on the front lines, not to mention our Special Ops warriors who keep us safe.  Today is a good day to remember all of those troops who don’t get a tour of the Situation Room in the White House because they’re not Will Smith or Jay-Z.

When you see troops in the airport or at dinner thank them for their service, please.’

Musicians love Bob Parsons because he stuck with us on SOPA for a long time.  He’s a good guy and he stood up when we needed him.  He’s not afraid to tell a thief that they stole.

And standing up to Google when you are in the tech business takes Marine-size balls.

Dana Loesch and the Real Culture War For Conservatives (@dloesch nails it again)

Dana Loesch frequently makes the point that until conservatives are better able to use the popular culture, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.  Dana also made the point in an interview with guitarist Dez Dickerson (check out the Dana show podcast from Nov 8) that the Romney campaign rejected marketing help from entertainment industry conservatives when it was offered.

I actually know this to be true because I personally know of instances where very insightful help was offered and rejected by the Romney campaign.  You know, it’s not so much that they rejected the help.  It was the way the rejected the help.  Like old white guys.

Trying to get these Romney people to try something new from people who clearly knew better than they did was very much like a musician trying to get a credit card.  They look at you like you are something the cat dragged in–or more likely the housekeeper’s cat dragged in–and thank you very much like you just brought them a vodka martini to try when they asked you for gin.

And it’s not just the Romney people–it’s these country club Republican’s in general.  Dana and Dez nailed it: It’s like Republican Establishment types do not realize that there is now an entire generation that has been indoctrinated by the Boomleft teachers to reject the words “conservative” or “Republican” like Pavlov’s freaking dog.

Where did the radical lefties go after the rise of Reagan and the decline of the KGB?  Government and teaching.  They are embedded deeply in the two workforces that are nearly impossible to fire.  This is why they are the cockroaches that we will be dealing with the rest of their lives.

Is it any surprise now that Vlad is Back that you have Obama whispering messages to Medvedev?  The apparatus has a leader again and now they can go back to their dream of taking over the United States from within.

The big money in Hollywood is just “useful idiots” for this unholy alliance.  Andrew Sullivan could wake up conservative and nominated one day, and David Geffen will never support him as a Republican.

So what I take away from Dana and Dez is that we who know pop culture have to start somewhere with this Republican brand–it’s had 20 years of being used as a Pavolovian training tool by teachers who we can rarely fire and who are bankrupting our state economies.

Don’t forget–the best thing that ever happened to communists was Joe McCarthy.  If you so much as lift an eyebrow against a commie in school, you get the cluck cluck McCarthyism humilation from your teacher and the definite implication that your grades will suffer if you don’t back off.

I am a huge admirer of Dana’s efforts to home school her children, and I know many other mothers doing the same–because they want to keep their kids away from this coven of radicals that has taken over our schools.  But home schooling doesn’t deal the the indoctrination problem.  That requires confronting these teachers and demanding that they stop using our kids as vassals for the destruction of our country.

This is the real culture war, and that culture war starts at home.

Obama’s Triumph of Mediocrity, Google’s Thumb on the Scales of Justice

They are celebrating in the Kremlin.  The forces that have been gradually corroding America from withhin have finally acheived their crowning reward–8 years to dismantle the American economy, to destroy the American military and to repeal and replace the American work ethic.

All those hippie revolutionaries that were sneered at for several decades?  They have now indoctrinated 3 generations of Americans including Barack Obama.  And who trained them, set them in motion, motivated and sustained them?  Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to steal your fish and he will feed himself as long as you can work.  Does it really matter whether Putin is actually pulling Obama’s strings or whether Obama just acts like he is.

Their president had a plan–class warfare and an appeal to those who had the time to stay home and watch The View, who could stay up late to watch the late night shows, namely the unemployed or the slackers who could of course vote, perhaps several times.

These are the people who are citizens in name only, if they even are that.

Then there is the control of popular culture–remember, Obama invited Will Smith into the Situation Room.  Next he will invite Jay Z to fly a drone and help out with Obama’s kill list.

And always in the background–Google providing the Orwellian technology to track, sort, list, and provide levels of data about potential and actual voters that only Google has acquired.  And they will do it again in the next election for whatever candidate they back.

We have entered truly evil times, patriots.